Happy New Year! We made it to 2022 and you know what that means – new year, new things to learn and do. I learned a lot of new things in 2021 but 12 lessons really stood out to me so I thought I’d share them with you.

These are the 12 Things I Learned in 2021 . . .
If You Don’t Know How to Do It – YouTube It
As you already probably know there’s a video for almost everything on YouTube – from recipes to makeup tutorials to videos on how to work on your car. I’ve learned a lot from YouTube and I know there’s still so much more to learn. This year I tested out a few recipes from several food vloggers and I was blown away at how easy they were when you have a video to follow. So when in doubt – YouTube it.
Skincare is Self Care
If you don’t have a skincare routine I highly recommend starting one. You don’t need fancy products or even a lot of products – you just need to figure out your skin type and find products that work for you. I didn’t begin doing a skincare routine until I was in my late 20s and it’s something that I love doing because it helps me to de-stress after a long day. If you can find an easy way to lower stress and take care of your skin, I say take it.

You Don’t Have to Attend Everything
This is a lesson that I’m learning the older I’m getting: you don’t have to attend everything. I’m the kind of person who has always felt that I have to go to every occasion because I can be a bit of a people-pleaser. But the truth is – life is short and your time is valuable. Time is the one thing that’s once it’s gone you can’t get it back. So use your time wisely – go to events that you want to go to or stay at home. Attend gatherings that are worth your while and that bring you joy. Because a life without joy isn’t much of a life at all – which brings me to the next thing I learned . .
Cherish the Little Moments
We live in a world where nearly everyone is living in the fast lane. We rush to work, we rush to school, we rush to grocery stores, we rush to sleep, we rush to get up. In all of that rushing I’ve learned that I need to stop, take a deep breath, and cherish the little moments in life. It can be as simple as enjoying the taste of a good cup of coffee or catching up with a friend or reading a good book on your front porch or even appreciating the beauty of a sunrise. Whatever it is, cherish the little moments in life.

It’s Ok Not to be Ok
Have you ever heard the phrase, “It’s Ok not to be Ok?” Well, it’s a very true phrase. When you scroll through Instagram or Facebook and see everyone smiling and looking so happy, it’s easy to think that everyone has their lives completely together and that they never get sad. But the truth is, everyone’s facing a battle and I’ve learned that it’s ok to express your emotions. If someone hurts your feelings or you’re going through a really tough time, let yourself cry or scream or binge-watch your favorite show until you feel better. I guess what I’ve learned is that it’s ok to shed some tears – just don’t stay there too long.
Never Underestimate the Power of a Good Cup of Coffee
Coffee is a necessity for me in the morning. I almost can’t start my day without a cup and I’m learning more and more that a good cup of coffee can be hard to find. So if you have a favorite coffee shop or a favorite coffee brand – buy that cup of coffee. And don’t apologize for it.

Take More Bubble Baths or Luxurious Showers
Taking a bath or a shower can become a mundane, everyday thing if you let it so I think it’s important to make bath time into a “thing.” Buy some bath bombs (my favorites come from Lush) or shower steamers, hang some eucalyptus leaves in your shower, light some candles, play some soft music, and clear your mind. You’ll be amazed at how much better you’ll feel after a relaxing bath or shower.

You’re Smarter & Stronger than You Think You Are
I think sometimes we look around at other people and we compare ourselves to them. Sometimes we underestimate our own strengths, but the truth is – we are smarter and stronger than we think we are. If you want to learn something new – go do it. If you want to pick up a new hobby or learn a new language or go back to school or try a new career – don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith.

Once in a while Read a Real Book
We live in a world where more and more people are reading everything from a screen but even though I own a Kindle and I read articles on my phone – I still love picking up a good paperback book to read. Curling up with a good book, holding it in your hands, and physically turning the pages is an experience you just can’t beat. So head to your local bookstore and find a good book.

Getting Older is a Privilege
A lot of people dread their birthday because they don’t want to draw attention to the fact that they’re getting older. But the truth – getting older is a privilege and being grateful can completely change your perception. With age can come great things – experience, wisdom, and grace. Never be ashamed of making it to another birthday. Instead, thank God that He allowed you to see another one.
God Can Change Anything
This is a lesson that I keep learning over and over again. God can change anything. If you’re in a bad situation the best thing you can do is talk to God about it. You don’t have to use big words or even a lot of words – just set some time aside and ask Him for help. Ask Him to make a change and then believe that He will – and trust me, things will change for the better.
Something Good is Happening Right Now
Even though we’ve stepped into a new year, I want to share this last lesson with you – something good is happening right now. I think a lot of us tend to romanticize the idea of a new year or the future. We might think that nothing good can happen in the moment we’re in – but the truth is – something good is happening right now. You just have to take the effort to look for it. If you look for something good you’ll find something good. So don’t wait for 2022 or some “future you” to look for good things – look right now.
What’s some lessons you learned in 2021? Anything you can take with you into 2022? Let me know in the comments.

Verse of the Day: Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. – Isaiah 43: 18-19