Hello friends! Today’s post is going to be a little different than my usual posts because (drumroll, please!) . . . it’s my graduation day!!

For the last three years and a half I’ve been steadily working on getting a BS of Accounting at Louisiana State University at Alexandria (LSUA) – and now, after weeks and weeks of hard work and determination (and even a few tears) – graduation day is finally here. Can I get a whoo-hoo?!!
There was a time in my life when I truly believed this day could never happen. Somehow, I started to believe that achieving my goals was impossible or something only “special” or really “smart” people could do. But that was a lie. Anyone – regardless of where you’re from or who you are or who people say you are – can achieve their goals and turn their dreams into reality if they want them bad enough.

There were people who told me when I first enrolled in LSUA that I was crazy. That there was no way they would go back to school after so many years. That it would be too hard or too much work and how was I going to juggle school with work and church and life?

Well, going back to school in my 30s was hard and it did require a lot of work and time and focus. But I’ve learned in my 33 years that anything in life worth having requires hard work and time and focus.
Yes, there were many days when I was tired and didn’t think I could keep going or that I could keep up, but then I reminded myself of all the reasons I was doing this: for my family, for any future children I may have, for my career, and for myself. When I remembered why I was taking these classes and studying for these exams, I found the endurance to keep going, and I’m so glad that I did.

These last three and a half years I have learned so much – not just about accounting but about myself. I’ve learned that sometimes the things that we believe are impossible are actually achievable with the right motivation. I’ve learned that I’m smarter and stronger than I thought I was. I’ve learned that the only one who can truly hold me back was me.
I’ve learned that God can give you what you need when you need it and that just because something is difficult doesn’t mean it’s not in His plan for you. Never be afraid of hard things.

I wanted to write this post because I’m hoping it will inspire you to never give up on your goals. If there is something you want to achieve – some goal you want to reach, some career path you’d like to pursue, or just something you regret giving up on – I want to encourage you today to pick yourself up and try again. Never let anyone (including your loved ones or your friends or even yourself) stop you from reaching your goals. Dreams are only dreams. But you have the power to transform them into reality.
So, I leave you now with one of my favorite quotes from American author Marianne Williamson:

My Motivation Playlist
They say music has power and I can honestly say that this playlist gave me the strength to keep going every time I wanted to give up. I listened to these songs the whole time I was in school so I’m hoping it will inspire you as much as it inspired me.

Verse of the Day: For with God nothing will be impossible. – Luke 1:37