Snow Day in Louisiana: How to Make the Most of It

There’s something surreal about waking up in Louisiana to a world transformed by snow. For a state that thrives in the warmth of southern charm and humidity, snow is a rare and fleeting gift that turns ordinary days into something magical. So you can imagine my excitement when I looked out my window this morning and saw a sight straight out of a postcard. A soft blanket of white covered the yard, making everything quiet and crisp. I grabbed my jacket, hat, and boots and went outside to explore. It got me thinking, what are some of the best ways to make the most of a snow day in Louisiana? Which is how this post came to be. 

In today’s post I’m sharing some easy ways to have the perfect snow day in Louisiana. So let’s get into them . . .  

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Don’t Be Afraid to Play in the Snow

Snow days in Louisiana are a rare treat so don’t be afraid to go outside and play in the snow. Build a snowman, have a snowball fight, make snow angels. If that sounds a little too adventurous for you, try just bundling up and taking a stroll through the winter wonderland. There’s nothing more refreshing than walking through the crisp, cold air. 

Have a Winter Themed Movie Marathon

If staying indoors is more of your thing, have a winter themed movie marathon by curling up with your favorite blanket and watching movies or TV shows set in winter. I would recommend movies like Frozen, Winter’s Tale, Cool Runnings, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. 

Build a Cozy Fire

If you have a fireplace I highly, highly recommend building a fire. Denis and I got three big loads of firewood before the snow and we’ve been keeping our fireplace going ever since. Not only is the fire warm, the snap and pop of the firewood is also nice and cozy. 

Cook & Enjoy Some Delicious Gumbo

There’s no better time to cook and eat some delicious Louisiana gumbo than in the winter, but on a snow day – it’s a necessity. Make your favorite gumbo recipe, some rice, grab some crackers and filet, and enjoy. Soup is wonderfully filling and warm in the winter, but if you’re in Louisiana, you’ve got to have some gumbo. 

No matter how you spend the snow day, remember to drip your water pipes, check on your neighbors (especially the elderly), and enjoy the peace and quiet a snow day brings.  

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