December is finally here! Bring on the Christmas trees and lights and cookies and Hallmark movies and cozy pajamas and Christmas parties!!! If you’re a makeup enthusiast like me then you also look forward to the holiday releases that happen every year in the cosmetic world. And while there were a few holiday collections that caught my eye – Colourpop stole the show.

Colourpop recently released a Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer beauty collection that had me reminiscing about the Christmases of my childhood. I’m what you call a Millennial – someone born in the late 80s or early 90s but grew up in the early 2000s – and growing up watching the claymation Christmas specials was a tradition in my house. I think I’ve seen them all – from Rudolph to Santa Clause is Coming to Town to the Miser Brothers (comment below if you’ve seen any of these) – I’ve watched them all and sang along to the songs. So you can imagine my surprise when I caught a glimpse of Colourpop’s Rudolph collection. Looks like I’m not the only Millennial who remembers these specials.
The entire collection consists of an 2 red lipstick kits, a snowflake-shaped bath bomb, a shimmering body powder, a lippe scrub, lip masks, a gloss kit, reindeer hair clips, and an eyeshadow palette. You can buy the whole collection for $120 on the Colourpop site. I picked up the Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer eyeshadow palette as a gift for a friend of mine so there won’t be any swatches in this post. If you’d like to see some swatches click here.
So, without further ado, let’s take a look at the palette shall we . . .

Verse of the Day: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. – Luke 2:14